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How can Neuromovement® help with cancer recovery?

Writer: JoanaJoana

If you are recovering from cancer, you are probably, like me, looking into all sorts of alternative therapies, healing methods and lifestyle changes you could adopt to make sure you can put this disease behind you. I've been there, and I've done the research. Each of us is different, of course, so it's good to find something that is tailored to your needs and abilities.

As I've mentioned before, I discovered the ABM Neuromovement® when researching developmental possibilities for my son, who lives with Down Syndrome. I immediately knew the method spoke to me in more ways than one. It is a holistic and peaceful, non-forceful method of integrating brain and body. It recognizes that change in one area leads to change in the other: change in our bodies is equal to change in our brains, and vice versa. There is no disconnect there.

It also sees that movement is life, and all life requires movement. Our bodies move, but our thoughts are also movement, and so are our emotions. Learning is movement, and any change in life requires movement.

The ABM Neuromovement® provides a safe and stressless opportunity for your body and your brain to unlearn harmful patterns and relearn new, more potent ones. Most importantly, the method is based on never forcing someone to do something that doesn't come easily, and contrarily to many approaches, does not require pain to see progress. It requires slowing down, paying attention, gradual refinement through variation, and imagination. How does that sound? As a person who was subjected to hours of painful therapy, this seems like bliss to me.

What can ABM Neuromovement® do for cancer recovery?

There are 2 modalities for ABM Neuromovement. One is through gentle, guided movement lessons (Transformational Movement Lessons, or TML). During TML lessons, a practitioner gives you instructions which you perform to the best of your ability, at a very slow pace. The important part is the attention you pay to yourself, not the movement itself. There is no stretching, no straining, no lengthy repetitions.

The second modality is an individual session in which the practitioner provides direct input to your brain by guiding you through soft, gentle movement. We call these lessons rather than therapy because we are not trying to fix you, but to show your brain how to learn and create better patterns. ABM Neuromovement can be a powerful way of reconnecting with yourself after the treatments.

Through Neuromovement lessons, you can:

  • Recover lost mobility in affected areas

  • Let go of unnecessary contractions and fixed patterns, physical and mental

  • Get rid of chronic or recurring pain

  • Manage or eliminate neuropathy, lymphedema, and scar tissue

  • Feel good in your body and recover your vitality

  • Get out of survival mode and calm your nervous system

  • Process negative emotions,.

People usually feel changes right after a lesson, and many people - myself included - have been thoroughly transformed by this approach.

To find a practitioner in Canada, visit my friends at Evolve Movement.

For more information about the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, please visit





Neurosomatic Therapy and Neuromovement
4260 Avenue Girouard, Suite 250-7
Montreal area, Quebec City
France, online and more
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